New Poll Shows Prop 140 Heading Toward Defeat in Arizona

New Poll Shows Prop 140 Heading Toward Defeat in Arizona

PHOENIX, ARIZONA – Today, the Arizona Free Enterprise Club released the results of a poll conducted by Data Orbital on Proposition 140, which would enact a California-style election scheme of ranked-choice voting and jungle primaries. The survey showed that the ballot measure is receiving far less than the fifty percent of the vote required for passage in the upcoming November Election.

“This latest poll demonstrates that Arizonans do not appreciate these special interests attempting to commandeer our elections for their radical agenda,” said Scot Mussi, President of the Arizona Free Enterprise Club. “Arizona voters are diligently doing their research on Prop 140, and they are being turned off by its dangerous effects on our state’s elections and future. We are hopeful this measure will go down in flames on Election Night next week, sending a message to these out-of-state billionaires and California liberals that Arizonans want free, fair, and transparent elections – not a system run by a partisan election official and his band of unelected bureaucrats.”

According to the Data Orbital poll results, Proposition 140 is deep under water with only 42.2% of respondents in support of the measure – well under the 50% threshold necessary for passage. Of the respondents who have already voted, support for Prop 140 was only at 38.4%.

See the toplines and the crosstabs.

Last week, Highground, Inc., the firm behind much of the state operations to promote Proposition 140, released the results of a poll for the races of President of the United States and U.S. Senate. Curiously, Highground did not include any results for Proposition 140, which it surely surveyed due to its interest in the ballot measure.

If passed by voters, The Make Elections (Un)Fair Act would do the following for future Arizona elections:

    • Allows one politician, the Arizona Secretary of State, to decide how many candidates qualify for the general election ballot for every single contest, including his or her own race.
    • Would result in some races where candidates from only one political party appear on the general election ballot.
    • Would force voters to navigate two completely different voting systems on the same ballot, with some races requiring voters to rank candidates and others that do not.
    • Will increase tabulation errors, create longer lines at the polls, and significantly delay election results.

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Hubris and Power Are Real Motivations Behind Prop 140

Hubris and Power Are Real Motivations Behind Prop 140

If you can’t get people to like your ideas, change the system. That’s the clear agenda behind the Prop 140 scheme that seeks to bring ranked-choice voting and jungle primaries to Arizona. And there’s no more hiding it.

At a recent news conference organized by the Prop 140 campaign, Kimber Lanning—founder and CEO of a group called Local First Arizona that wants to build “equitable” systems for Arizona’s businesses—let the mask slip. Lanning revealed that when other states have adopted the reforms included in Prop 140, they have been able to move forward on transformational ideas like climate action plans and providing driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants.

Wait. Aren’t ranked-choice voting and jungle primaries supposed to lead to more moderation in the government? That’s what the backers of Prop 140 continue to push. But since when did climate action plans and special benefits for illegal immigrants become moderate?

Therin lies the true motivations behind Prop 140. Liberal billionaires from Colorado and others states around the country are pouring millions and millions into Arizona to pass this initiative in an effort to turn Arizona blue. They envision a system anchored around ranked-choice voting and jungle primaries will put them in charge of the political and policy agenda here in Arizona.   

And in their zeal for power and control, they don’t even recognize the underlying hubris and irony of their entire campaign. Anyone who talks to the donors, disgruntled consultants, politicians and special interests behind Prop 140, they are convinced that their “moderate” ideas represent a true majority of the electorate. They don’t even realize—likely because of their own self-righteousness—that they are the ones operating on the fringes of the policy arena.

So, when they boast about wildly unpopular ideas—like net zero climate action plans and benefits for illegal immigrants—it sounds normal to them. The problem isn’t them, of course. It’s those annoying voters that don’t like sky-high energy bills and open borders.

It’s all the more reason why Arizonans must resoundingly reject this absurd California-style election scheme on November 5th.  

Prop 140 is a multi-page initiative that would inject 15 new amendments into our state constitution. And it has something for everyone to dislike. That’s probably why they needed 40,000 duplicate signatures to trick the courts into putting it on the ballot in the first place.

Prop 140 would give too much power to one partisan politician, the Arizona Secretary of State, to decide how many candidates qualify for the general election ballot for every single contest, including his or her own race. The centralization of power that this would create is not only unprecedented, but it’s a recipe for corruption and gamesmanship.

Prop 140 would also result in some races where candidates from only one political party appear on the general election ballot. This would deprive many voters of any choice at all—which is probably why many prominent Republicans and Democrats have come out against it

Additionally, this initiative would force voters to navigate two completely different voting systems on the same ballot, with some races requiring voters to rank candidates under a ranked-choice voting system and others that do not. Voters could go from one race where they are expected to rank 5 candidates to another race on their ballot where they vote for just one candidate. Up and down the ballot, voters would have to switch back and forth from one set of rules to another, with the rules being determined by the Arizona Secretary of State.  

And to top it all off, Prop 140 would increase tabulation errors, create longer lines at the polls, and significantly delay election results—just like it did in Alameda County, California, for one example.

This is not what the people of Arizona want.

Let’s stop these out-of-state special interests from ruining our state and turning it into another California. Vote NO on Prop 140.

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Arizona needs to have a unified voice promoting economic freedom and prosperity, and the Free Enterprise Club is committed to making that happen. But we can’t do it alone. We need YOU!

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Don’t CA Our AZ, Vote NO on Prop 140

Don’t CA Our AZ, Vote NO on Prop 140

Brought to you by wealthy, out-of-state special interests, Proposition 140 is a sprawling, multi-page measure adding 15 new amendments to our constitution importing California-style election schemes like ranked choice voting and jungle primaries. These bad ideas confuse voters, make ballots longer, delay tabulation results for several weeks, and will result in votes being tossed out due to simple errors. The truth is, there is something for everyone to dislike in Prop 140, which is why all voters should resoundingly reject it.

Prop 140 Results in One Party Rule in General Elections

Since adoption in California, these schemes have led to candidates from only one political party appearing on the general election ballot, depriving many voters of any choice at all. To make matters worse, ranked choice voting in California has led to weeks-long delays in tabulation, sometimes even resulting in the wrong person being declared the winner!

Prop 140 Undemocratically Gives One Politician Too Much Power

It’s important to read the fine print (all five pages of it) because the drafters of Prop 140 thought that it would be a good idea to put all power into the hands of just one partisan politician, the Secretary of State, to decide how many candidates appear on the general election ballot for every race, including his own. Under Prop 140, he then gets to unilaterally write the rulebook for how the general election would run. This centralization of power is unprecedented and a recipe for corruption and gamesmanship!

Prop 140 Creates a Patchwork Ballot with Different Schemes for Different Races

Prop 140 was so poorly drafted that it will lead to patchwork ballots with different schemes for different races. The Secretary of State could force ranked choice voting in one race, but not in another. Voters will go from one race where they are expected to rank 5 different candidates, and the very next race on their ballot will vote for just one candidate. Up and down the ballot, voters will switch back and forth from one set of rules to another, confusing especially vulnerable voters.

Prop 140 Is an Attempt to Logroll Voters

The drafters of Prop 140 desperately want voters to believe that the measure will only make a couple harmless changes to our elections. But the reality is they stuffed 15 separate constitutional amendments, many experimental, into one measure. Voters may like one provision but are forced to accept a host of provisions they would rather not enact.

Prop 140 Was Poorly Drafted, Even Worse than California

These California-style election schemes are bad on their own, but Prop 140 is so badly written it is somehow even worse—empowering one partisan politician to set the rules, allowing candidates from only one political party on the general election ballot, a random mix of ranked choice voting, and a confusing patchwork ballot. And that’s why they didn’t have enough signatures to even qualify for the ballot, and wanted the court to count their 40,000 duplicate signatures!

All of this is why individuals, organizations, and parties, right and left, have lined up to oppose Prop 140. Voters should protect Arizona from becoming another California by voting NO on Prop 140.

Help Protect Freedom in Arizona by Joining Our Grassroots Network

Arizona needs to have a unified voice promoting economic freedom and prosperity, and the Free Enterprise Club is committed to making that happen. But we can’t do it alone. We need YOU!

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Know Before You Vote: Ballot Recommendations for 2024

Know Before You Vote: Ballot Recommendations for 2024

This week, Arizonans across the state began receiving their early ballots by mail or visiting early voting locations to vote. For the first time in Maricopa County, the ballot is two separate pieces of paper, front and back. From top to bottom, first page to last, there are important races and issues—more than 100 of them.

In the mix are 13 statewide ballot propositions. We have previously written about many of them, but below is a quick summary of some of the most important ones. For a full description of all the measures, and a list of all candidates endorsed by the Freedom Club PAC, visit

Proposition 133 – Preserves our fair primary system by guaranteeing that every qualified party has a right to have representation on the general election ballot. Vote YES!

Proposition 134 – Guarantees our ballot initiative process is fair and balanced by requiring signatures to be collected in every county, preventing out-of-state special interests from parking circulators in just Phoenix and Tucson, ignoring rural Arizona entirely. Vote YES!

Proposition 135 – Similar to what several states have already adopted, this measure protects against the abuse of emergency powers by automatically terminating emergency declarations after 30 days, unless extended by the legislature, and empowers the legislature to call a special session, as soon as day one, with just one third of the members in each chamber. Vote YES!

Proposition 136 – Prevents unconstitutional ballot measures by allowing a person to challenge a measure, and if the Arizona Supreme Court decides it is unconstitutional, it would not appear on the ballot. Vote YES!

Proposition 140 – A sprawling measure that adds 15 separate amendments to the constitution to enact California-style election schemes in Arizona—like jungle primaries and ranked-choice voting—that confuse and disenfranchise voters. Vote NO!

Proposition 312 – Defends property owners from out-of-control homelessness by allowing them to be reimbursed for expenses they incurred after repeated failures of the city or county to enforce ordinances against public nuisances. Vote YES!

Proposition 314 – Secures the border, empowering local law enforcement to apprehend illegals who cross into Arizona outside of a port of entry, leading to jail or voluntary deportation. Vote YES!

Make sure to visit to download a flyer of all recommendations from the Freedom Club PAC.

Help Protect Freedom in Arizona by Joining Our Grassroots Network

Arizona needs to have a unified voice promoting economic freedom and prosperity, and the Free Enterprise Club is committed to making that happen. But we can’t do it alone. We need YOU!

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Prop 136 Would Protect Our Ballot From Unconstitutional Measures

Prop 136 Would Protect Our Ballot From Unconstitutional Measures

Every election cycle, out-of-state special interests spend millions trying to put their bad ideas onto our ballot. Because these groups do not understand our laws or our constitution, the measures they peddle are poorly drafted and are often unworkable or illegal. In some instances, they do know better but don’t seem to care that their proposed measure is unconstitutional.

For example, in 2020, two out-of-state groups collected signatures to put the largest tax hike in state history on the ballot. Nonpartisan attorneys at legislative council told them prior to gathering any signatures that their measure was unconstitutional. They didn’t care. After a multi-million-dollar campaign that resulted in the measure passing by a slim margin, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled the initiative unconstitutional a year later.

Why was it on the ballot in the first place, if it was so clearly unconstitutional? The courts have long held that they currently do not have the power to consider any challenges to the constitutionality of a measure before it is passed on the ballot. The only challenge that can be brought is against the signatures filed with the Secretary of State, or for a violation of the single subject or separate amendment requirements.

But if an out-of-state group is trying to put a measure on the ballot that is clearly unconstitutional, like statutorily exempting a tax hike from a constitutional spending limit, as Prop 208 tried to do, a challenge is not considered “ripe.” Instead, costly campaigns are run on both sides, and only after voters have been presented with a broken measure can a challenge be brought.

Prop 136 changes that. If passed, Prop 136 would protect our election process from these unconstitutional measures by allowing the Arizona Supreme Court to review a proposed initiative before it goes on the ballot. If the court determines the measure is unconstitutional, it will not even appear on the ballot.

Voters probably already assume that the measures appearing on their ballot have been reviewed and vetted for constitutionality, which is a reasonable assumption. Prop 136 would help to ensure that.

At the legislature, bills are written by nonpartisan attorneys at Legislative Council, they must be assigned to a committee, placed on an agenda, receive a public hearing with testimony and input, receive a majority vote in the committee, pass a review in the Rules committee designed specifically to determine if measures are constitutional, then be placed on an agenda to receive debate from the whole chamber, finally receive a vote from the whole chamber, and if it passes, it restarts that process on the other side. Only if it passes out of that chamber and is signed by the Governor does it become law.

This long and cumbersome process at the legislature serves to weed out not only unpopular ideas that cannot get the votes, but also puts many eyes on the language to make sure if it does have the support, it is constitutional. But these checks simply do not exist in the ballot initiative process. Out-of-state groups hire attorneys to draft it, Legislative Council reviews it (if asked), and then the group files it, with or without any of the changes Legislative Council provided. Allowing for challenges before the measures appear on the ballot will save time, money, prevent confusion, and help ensure that only constitutional measures are presented to voters.

And perhaps Prop 136 will encourage those out-of-state groups to do a little more research, listen to the advice of Legislative Council, and not submit broken initiatives that violate our constitution.

Help Protect Freedom in Arizona by Joining Our Grassroots Network

Arizona needs to have a unified voice promoting economic freedom and prosperity, and the Free Enterprise Club is committed to making that happen. But we can’t do it alone. We need YOU!

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