Racist policies have no business in Arizona. And in 2010, our state’s voters made that clear when they passed Proposition 107. This amendment to Arizona’s Constitution banned affirmative action programs in the state that were administered by statewide or local units of government, including state agencies, cities, counties, and school districts. But as we’ve become all too familiar with here in the U.S. and the state of Arizona, politicians and bureaucrats have figured out ways to skirt the language in our constitution. That’s led to where we are today.
Under the guise of words that sound harmless enough like “diversity,” “equity,” and “inclusion” (DEI), Critical Race Theory (CRT) and similar programs largely flew under the radar and have been used to indoctrinate our students. Floods of parents eventually caught on, making it their mission to stop the invasion of CRT and DEI in our school districts. And while the newly elected Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tom Horne, has already taken steps to stop such indoctrination in our schools, there’s more work to be done.
After all, it’s not just students that have been affected. Many governmental entities have been choosing who to hire or contract with based on race. Take our state’s universities for example. According to a recent report from the Goldwater Institute, Arizona’s public universities are compelling job applicants to pledge support for progressive, racialized notions of DEI and CRT-based terminology in order to be hired. As of last fall, Arizona State University (ASU) required diversity statements from approximately 81 percent of job applicants. Northern Arizona University required diversity statements from 73 percent of job applicants. And the University of Arizona required diversity statements from 28 percent of job applicants.
It’s bad enough that over 200 educators from across Arizona voluntarily pledged to teach CRT and all other social-justice-oriented curriculum to children, regardless of the law or parents’ wishes. But ASU is forcing 81 percent of job applicants to sign these DEI loyalty oaths in order to have a chance at getting hired?!?
It’s time to put a stop to this blatant racism. And SCR1024 is the perfect solution. This bill would refer to the ballot an amendment to Arizona’s Constitution that would stop DEI and CRT from being pushed in our K-12 public schools and public universities. And it would prohibit governmental entities from making any-race-based decisions related to hiring or contracting.
Most importantly, SCR1024 would put the issue in front of voters and give the people of Arizona a chance to make their voices heard. And just like with affirmative action in 2010, there’s no doubt that it would show that Arizonans want CRT and DEI out of our state for good.
The fact is that slavery, racial discrimination, and racism are inconsistent with the founding principles of our nation. That’s why we fought a civil war to eliminate the first, waged political campaigns to get rid of the second, and made the third unacceptable in the court of public opinion. But CRT and DEI policies only create division while threatening to make racial discrimination legal again. Enough is enough. It’s time to give voters the chance to prohibit these racist policies once and for all.
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