We are exactly one week from election day, and with that a reminder of the Club’s 2020 general election endorsements.
Our list is similar to our previous release, except the Club does want to highlight that several Judges are being targeted by the left for their convictions to uphold the Arizona Constitution. These are often forgotten races, but we do encourage voters to vote to retain our recommended judges, including Andrew Gould, John Lopez, Christopher Coury, Jennifer Perkins and David Weinzeig who have been targeted by the left to be removed from the bench.
We also encourage everyone that has received an early ballot to PLEASE return your ballot prior to election day. If you have concerns of voter fraud in regards to mailing in your ballot, you can drop off your ballot in person or vote early at polling locations in your county. For Maricopa County, you can find a polling location near you by visiting the following link: https://recorder.maricopa.gov/pollingplace/
Ballot Propositions
Proposition 207 – No
Proposition 208 – No
US President
Donald J. Trump
U.S Senate
Martha McSally
U.S Congress
Tiffany Shedd, CD 1
Brandon Martin, CD 2
Daniel Wood, CD 3
Paul Gosar, CD 4
Andy Biggs, CD 5
David Schwiekert, CD 6
Debbie Lesko, CD 8
Corporation Commission
Eric Sloan
Jim O’Connor
State Legislative Races
Judy Burges, LD 1 House
Quang Nguyen, LD 1 House
Deborah McEwen, LD 2 House
Travis Angry, LD 4 Senate
Joel John, LD 4 House
Regina Cobb, LD 5 House
Leo Biasuicci, LD 5 House
Walt Blackman, LD 6 House
Brenda Barton, LD 6 House
David Peelman, LD 7 House
Vince Leach, LD 11 Senate
Mark Finchem, LD 11 House
Bret Roberts, LD 11 House
Warren Petersen, LD 12 Senate
Travis Grantham, LD 12 House
Jake Hoffman, LD 12 House
Sine Kerr, LD 13 Senate
Tim Dunn, LD 13 House
David Gowan, LD 14 Senate
Gail Griffin, LD 14 House
Becky Nutt, LD 14 House
Nancy Barto, LD 15 Senate
Steve Kaiser, LD 15 House
Justin Wilmeth, LD 15 House
Kelly Townsend, LD 16 House
Jacqueline Parker, LD 16 House
JD Mesnard, LD 17 Senate
Liz Harris, LD 17 House
Suzanne Sharer, LD 18 Senate
Paul Boyer, LD 20 Senate
Anthony Kern, LD 20 House
Shawnna Bolick, LD 20 House
Rick Gray, LD 21 Senate
Kevin Payne, LD 21 House
Beverly Pingerelli, LD 21 House
David Livingston, LD 22 Senate
Ben Toma, LD 22 House
Frank Carroll, LD 22 House
Michelle Ugenti-Rita, LD 23 Senate
John Kavanagh, LD 23 House
Joseph Chaplik, LD 23 House
Tyler Pace, LD 25 Senate
Rusty Bowers, LD 25 House
Tatiana Pena, LD 27 House
Jana Jackson, LD 28 House
County, City, Town
Maricopa County
Proposition 449 – No
Stephen Richer, County Recorder
Allister Adel, County Attorney
Steve Chucri, Board of Supervisors District 2
Bill Gates, Board of Supervisors District 3
Shelly Boggs, Maricopa County Community College District Board – At Large
Laurin Hendrix, Maricopa County Community College District Board – District 1
Susan Bitter Smith, Maricopa County Community College District Board – District 3
Matt Nielsen, Mayor
Lisa Borowsky, Mayor
Merissa Hamilton, Mayor
Supreme Court
Robert Brutinel, YES
Andrew Gould, YES
John Lopez, YES
Maricopa County
Jay Adleman
Sara Agne
Scott Blaney
Lori Horn Bustamante
Rodrick Coffey
Connie Contes
Christopher Coury
Adam Driggs
Pamela Gates
Michael Kemp
Daniel Kiley
Suzanne Marwil
Scott McCoy
Paul McMurdie
Kathleen Mead
Scott Minder
James B. Morse
Jennifer M. Perkins
Adele Ponce
Timothy J. Ryan
Timothy Thomason
Peter A. Thompson
David K. Udall
David D. Weinzeig
Christopher T. Whitten
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