Phoenix, AZ – The Arizona Free Enterprise Club PAC today has released their second slate of candidate endorsements for Arizona legislative races.

After a series of interviews of candidates running for Arizona State House and Senate, The Club PAC has identified several strategic districts in which they will be involved.  The candidates who received endorsements share the key beliefs in free market economics, tax reform, school choice, regulatory reform, and fair and equitable tax policy.

Endorsed candidates include:

 “The Club is honored to endorse this slate of candidates for the Arizona Legislature.  Each individual is passionate about fighting for Arizona taxpayers and we are confident they will be principled in their votes on the important issues facing the state.” Free Enterprise Club President Scot Mussi said.

Mussi continued, “We are fortunate to have incumbent and outgoing Majority Leader, Steve Montenegro running for the State Senate.  Montenegro has garnered the respect of his colleagues by being fair, cooperative, and always listening to the members.  He has also been a strong leader in ensuring conservative budgets with spending restraint have passed the past two years.” 

Maria Syms, Matt Morales, Adams Stevens, and Ross Groen will all make strong additions to the legislature as freshmen lawmakers.  Mrs. Syms has a proven record on the Paradise City Council of being a fiscal hawk and pushing back on the pressure to unnecessarily raise taxes on the citizens of PV.  Mr. Morales brings a savvy political know-how and deep policy knowledge to the race; we expect him to be a strong advocate for business rights.  Mr. Stevens is a voice for much needed tax and regulatory reform, having a long tenure in business.  Finally, Mr. Groen has a solid philosophic understanding of the role of government – he will be a formidable force for private property rights and individual liberty.”

For additional information on the Club PAC’s candidate endorsements, contact Scot Mussi at or at 602-508-6088.