Current AZ Budget Surplus Built on Tax Increases
The calendar has turned to 2020 and Arizona is once again swimming in the dough. The latest JLBC fiscal update released before the holidays showed that November revenues were $44 Million above expectations. Arizona is now $550M above the FY 2020 revenue forecast for...
Don’t Forget to Register to Vote!
Participating in our electoral process is one of our most precious rights, which is why the Arizona Free Enterprise Club is asking Arizona residents to get involved and register to vote! Registering to vote in Arizona is easy and can be done online and in just a few...
Lawmakers Successfully Negotiate Phase Out of Car Registration Fee
Last year, under the guise of public safety, a bill was passed at the legislature to charge Arizona drivers an additional VLT (vehicle license tax) fee. Although it was purported as a dedicated funding source for Highway Safety Patrol, the money was immediately swept...
The Left and Media Ignore Initiative Fraud While Attacking SB 1451
There is an open secret regarding Arizona’s initiative process, one known by political insiders, ignored by the media and accepted by every group looking to buy their way onto the ballot box. It is that committees that run ballot initiatives hire felons and...
Corp Comm Charging Station Mandate is a Subsidy for the Rich
There has been an important policy debate stirring in Arizona over a proposal to mandate the construction of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations by utility companies. The current proposed policy would benefit a few select companies and electric vehicle car...
Federal Tax Reform Benefits For Arizona Workers Now Exceed $215 Million Dollars!
Four months have passed since the enactment of federal tax reform, and Arizona workers and taxpayers continue to be rewarded with new raises, bonuses and expanded benefits. As of April 30th, over $215 Million dollars has now been put back into the pockets of Arizona...
SB 1147 Trojan Horse to Spend Billions More on Light Rail Boondoggle
For years advocates for light rail have been trying to convince the legislature to allow Maricopa County to extend the 1/2 cent transportation sales tax (currently set to expire in 2025) to include billions more for light rail. They know that they can't pass light...
Arizona Cities Reveal Plan for Massive Tax Increase on Internet Services
If you enjoy using the internet, prepare to hide your wallet. A coalition of cities throughout Arizona have announced their intention to impose massive new tax increases on a wide array of currently untaxed digital products, targeting popular streaming services and...
Maricopa County Special Interests Financing $640 Million Dollar Tax Hike
The Following is a Press Release Issued by Citizens Against Prop 417, the Grassroots Committee Opposed to the Pinal County Transportation Tax Increase: Casa Grande, AZ (October 30th)--In their effort to pass an illegal, unnecessary tax hike in Pinal County, the...
Liberal Jean Wilcox Wrong Choice for Prescott Mayor
Prescott is at a crossroads. Due to a crippling pension debt that has the city staring at possible bankruptcy in the next decade, the voters of Prescott will have an important decision to make in the upcoming election for Mayor. Add in critical issues surrounding...
Goldwater Institute Letter to Pinal County
Goldwater Letter to Pinal County
HB2492 Massive Subsidy for Large Corporations
We see a lot of bad ideas down at the legislature. A lot. But every once in a while, one comes along that is so awful even we are mildly surprised by it. Behold HB2492. Special property tax giveaways for some business but not others? Payroll tax handouts...