AZFEC Statement on AZ Supreme Court Ruling on Prop 140 Signatures
PHOENIX, ARIZONA – Today, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that, even though a special master reviewing tens of thousands of duplicate signatures made a determination that 99% of the challenged submissions were duplicates, votes in the November General Election for...
Arizona Is in Danger of Turning into California
With the Governor’s office changing hands in 2022 to Democratic control, the threat of a Democratic trifecta looms large.
Arizona Free Enterprise Club Launches dontCAmyAZ.com Campaign
The Club announced the start of a campaign to educate residents around the state about the dangers of California policies affecting future generations
AZ Free Enterprise Club Responds to Ruling on Prop 140 Signature Challenge
Free Enterprise Club President Scot Mussi released the following statement on today’s ruling by Judge Moskowitz regarding the Prop 140 Signature Challenge
Both Washington and the States Should Act to Stop Non-U.S. Citizens From Registering to Vote
Arizona has been a leader on this issue for years and has already enacted a comprehensive solution that every state should follow.
Prop 140 Special Master Concludes 99% of Challenged Signatures Are Duplicates
In a major development with the signature challenge over Prop 140, the special master determined that 99% of the 38,000 signatures reviewed were duplicates.
Adrian Fontes’ Illegal Use of Taxpayer Funds to Support Rank Choice Voting Initiative Must Be Investigated
Last week, in a politically motivated move, Secretary of State Adrian Fontes found a new way to violate the ethics of his office…and maybe the law.
AZFEC Calls for Investigation into Secretary of State Adrian Fontes’ Potential Misuse of Taxpayer Dollars
The Arizona Free Enterprise Club is calling for an investigation into Adrian Fontes’ potential use of taxpayer funds in support of Prop 140.
Freedom Club PAC Releases General Election Endorsements for Legislative Offices
Today the Freedom Club PAC announced General Election endorsements for legislative offices in 2024.
Proponents of Prop 140 Want to “Make Elections Fair” By Counting Duplicate Signatures
The group that supposedly wants to “make elections fair” is content to do so by counting 40,000 duplicate signatures to get their initiative on the ballot.
Arizona Supreme Court Allows Signature Challenge Against Prop 140 to Continue
The court ruled that the lawsuit against Prop 140 may continue to ensure that the nearly 40,000 duplicate signatures are examined and removed.
Arizona Free Enterprise Club Releases General Election Endorsements
We encourage voters to support these candidates who will defend free market principles, advance conservative values, and combat federal overreach.