Arizona’s Tax Dollars Should Not Be Going to Hollywood
Arizona lawmakers need to do taxpayers a favor and repeal the awful movie tax credit program before the court is forced to shut it down.
Legislature Fails to Fix Troubled Arizona Commerce Authority
When it came time to act, the legislature capitulated to the special interest benefactors of the ACA, passing a reauthorization with no real reforms.
Reforming the Arizona Commerce Authority: Lawmakers Should Resolve Constitutionality Problems First
There are plenty of problems with the Arizona Commerce Authority. Since its inception in 2011, criticisms were raised concerning its freewheeling powers to dole out taxpayer money with practically no legislative oversight and broad exemptions from important guardrails...
A Complicated History, an Uncertain Future: The Arizona Commerce Authority, Part I
A contentious fight is brewing in the Arizona legislature, the possible reauthorization of the Arizona Commerce Authority
SB1562 Redistributes Money From Taxpayers to the Pockets of Large Corporations
Any tax system that excludes some businesses from paying while making everyone else pick up the tab is dubious tax policy.
SB1643 Would Give Large Companies Billions in Taxpayer Dollars to Fund Liberal Causes
As we move into budget season at the legislature, it is becoming more likely that this corporate welfare R&D package will be rammed into the budget.
Arizona Lawmakers Want to Send Your Hard-Earned Tax Dollars to Woke Hollywood
SB1708, sponsored by Senator David Gowan, provides a tax credit for a percentage of movie production costs. And the worst part is—it’s refundable.
HB 2409 Would Exempt Wealthy Investors from Paying Income and Capital Gains Tax
As usual, bad ideas at the legislature just don’t seem to die. Lawmakers are considering legislation to expand the “Angel Investment” Tax Credit Program, a scheme that would dole out millions to wealthy investors to subsidize their risky venture capital investments in...
Swampy D.C Program Rampant With Fraud, Being Pushed in Arizona.
Every legislative session, lawmakers are duped by rosy tax credit programs, sold as either robust jobs programs or silver bullets to our social woes. This year HB2732, sponsored by Representative Ben Weninger, is being sold as both. The Low-Income Housing Tax...
New Study Shows Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program Fails at Delivering Affordable Housing in Arizona
Today the Arizona Free Enterprise Club released a new study evaluating the cost of Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) in Arizona and Washington and how LIHTC have performed compared to other government backed housing affordability programs. The review determined...